Mommy Makeover: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by plastic surgeon Dr. John Layliev in Huntington, NY.
Mommy Makeover
42 y/o 6 months after breast reduction and lift and tummy tuck + liposuction to hips
Mommy Makeover
43 year old 6 months after drainless tummy tuck, aug mastopexy 310 SSM.
Mommy Makeover
36F 3 months R 445, L 345SSM, lipo, and tummy tuck
Mommy Makeover
56 F 3 months after breast reduction and tummy tuck, liposuction
Mommy Makeover
44 y/o 6 months after tummy tuck, liposuction 360- abdomen/hips/back
Mommy Makeover
46 y/o
3 months postop
Mini tummy tuck, liposuction, augmentation and mastopexy 170 SSL implant.
Released tethered c-section scar
Mommy Makeover
50 year old 9 months after tummy tuck, 360 lipo, breast reduction
Mommy Makeover
52F just 1 month after extended abominoplasty, 360 degree liposuction, and breast reduction.
These early scars are still red and overall swelling will resolve over the next several months.
Mommy Makeover
44 y/o 3 months after tummy ruck, axillary folds, hip and abdomen lipo, r/r lift. 300 out, 210 in, minor reduction.
Mommy Makeover
2 months after 300 SSLP, tummy tuck, liposuction.
Early scars will continue to fade, and abdominal skin swelling will resolve over next several months.